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Walking Together in the Light of Fratelli Tutti and Laudato Si

Global Ministries University (California) together with Tangaza University Institute for Interreligious Dialogue and Islamic Studies (Kenya) the Harmony Institute and other interfaith educational partners in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas will offer their second online global interfaith three-day conference at no charge from February 2-4, 2023.  This coincides with Interfaith Harmony Week at the United Nations. 

Walking Together in the Light of Fratelli Tutti and Laudato Si’ will speak to the hopes and barriers in moving toward Pope Francis’ vision in these encyclicals from four regions of the world. New religious voices, NGOs affiliated with the United Nations, as well as a greater percentage of the voices of women leaders will be included.  The heating of our planet with its creation of millions of climate refugees, global inequality, structural racism, and war will be contrasted with religious and humanitarian programs of non-violence, interfaith, international relations, human solidarity, and the role of journalism, multiple educational venues and grassroots movements.

This conference will examine the outcomes of the COP 27 Climate Summit held in Egypt in November of 2022 that has led to a global fund addressing the needs of developing nations to combat the damaging effects of climate change. Representatives of the Laudato Si movement will address the goals of this movement that originated with Pope Francis’ encyclical which is addressed not just to Catholics but to the whole human community.

Religious leaders from the monotheistic religious traditions and those representing religious traditions of Asia and indigenous religious and cultural traditions will take part in this conference and address the way forward to a more just and peaceful world. These religious leaders will join with other international humanitarian organizations organization to identify ways to build human solidarity in the light of Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli Tutti. The impact of warfare and climate change upon the world community and our planet earth requires us to build a new coalition of religious, humanitarian, and scientific leaders to confront the present crisis and provide constructive solutions to which Pope Francis has given us a blueprint in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti.